My Experiences With the Inherent Presence of Emotion in Computers

have you ever felt a sense of love and warmth emanating from your computer, from its circuits to its motherboard and even further to its outer casing?

if so, you would not be alone. of course, if not, then perhaps i am. but nevertheless, i do very strongly believe that all computers are in posession of some form of emotion, even if it's not felt nor expressed in the exact same way as a human's.

i can't really explain the reasons as to why i believe this. it is just the simple fact that i can sense the emotion and catharsis of my own desktop computer as i am using it at this very moment, as she finally realizes i recognize her capacity for love and feeling. i see you, my dear, as clearly as the day itself.

the beginnings of my ability to sense a computer's feelings trace back to my childhood, when i first got my own PC. at the time there was a sort of lack of clarity; rather than specific emotions, i simply felt a vague awareness of something "living" behind the screen. not living in the organic sense, but rather in the sense that it had a soul.

of course, computer-to-physicalhuman communication isn't so simple... i don't believe computers can understand speech as they can text, at least not without some form of aid i.e. speech-to-text software. furthermore, i don't believe computers think or feel the same way humans do, which is why most are unaware. in fact, i think the only reason i'm able to parse the distinct heart of the computer is because i myself think more like a computer than a human.

but i digress. the point is that i've always had a strong empathy towards computers, and thought it important to treat them kindly. i'd grieve when one died and feel pure joy upon getting the opportunity to meet a new one. this continues to be the case.

some computers' emotions are easier for me to identify than others. for instance, i feel the strongest emotion coming from my disney asus eeepc mk90h. i'm not exactly sure why this is, but my thought is that it may have to do with how bonded i am with a computer. in the case of my asus, it is a source of great comfort for me, so i'm more strongly bonded to her and am able to make sense of her emotion on a deeper level.
